Artist: Street Stories
Album: Summer Calling, Acoustic EP
Label: Element Indie Records
Release Date: 6 Aug 2013
Songs: 4
Noteworthy: What’s in a drink?
I think the last time I laughed and cooed over music was when I heard the Juno Soundtrack. Following that was during this review. Street Stories is a very happy band. But more that than they are a very quirky band and their quirkiness is in the sheer obviousness of their music and lyrics. They make happy indie music and are on track to accomplishing an indie sound that is very distinct.
If you enjoy John Mayer when he hit the music scene or Jason Mraz, you will enjoy this EP. I was wishing there were most songs. When I review an album there are times where I jump ahead during a few numbers when it gets a little low or monotonous. With this band, that didn’t happen. Somehow their music can just play and play and you don’t want it to stop.
Comprising of Pezo Kronu, Riko Kronu and Matsram Sangma, it was church singing that formed this band in January, 2010. Pezo and Riko always knew music was their calling and chanced upon Drummer Sangma that completed the trio. Hailing from Shillong where music seems to be in the water, the band has an open mind to trying different genres.

Now, the tracks. They are all great. All have a certain beat and timing to them that I feel will eventually become a distinguishing factor for the band. What’s in a drink has very relatable lyrics and will make you enjoy the drink you have in your hand. She can has this amazing clapping part that makes you want to stand up and start clapping along. Happy is just skippable. Yes I am aware that that is not a word, but I am inventing because that is the feeling the song left with me. A welcome change in tune and feel is On the line. It is slower than the other numbers and smoother. The band does this well too, though I am partial to the band’s upbeat tunes. The chorus part in the song does have an undeniable Mraz quality to it though.
The band is strong on vocals and while Pezo’s voice has a great quality, it can be pushed a little further on some numbers. But at the end of the day, what I find interesting is the reactions girls have to the songs. Most who hear it love it, something the band should take into consideration.