The Bangalore boys Thermal and a Quarter have confirmed to be a part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival starting this August and are scheduled to perform 26 gigs back to back during this international tour in UK and other parts of Europe.
For all the TAAQ fans, here is a glimpse of their updated schedule.
Aug 1st to 26th – Edinburgh Festival Fringe #Edfringe
Aug 30th – Glasgow, Scotland
Sep 1st – Edinburgh Mela Festival
Sep 5th – Dublin, Ireland
Sep 6th – Kilkenny, Ireland
Sep 7th – Galway City, Ireland
Sep 8th – Mullingar, Ireland
A proud moment for all the Desi’s indeed! Keep following Eight Octaves to know more about other gig updates of TAAQ! With few changes in the band – a new bassist as well, TAAQ is hoping for a bash in this international tour, given that they have been allotted slots in the night.
For all the music heads, Eight Octaves recommends you follow the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society on Facebook as well.