1.The Seagram’s 100 Pipers India Music Week this year will also see a two day music conference is being hosted in New Delhi on the 21st and 22nd of November, supported by Royal Norwegian Embassy. This conference aims at providing a much required platform for musicians in India ; thus facilitate as a support structure to engage the musicians in conversation and moreover to also help widen their knowledge base. It also aims to provide networking opportunities with music professionals, both on National and International levels.
2.According to Fly Music festival’s website, it has been concluded that recreating past years glory is not something concert organizers can rely on entirely anymore. ‘Nostalgia’ has lost its charm and no longer sells tickets in India. The music scene has become all about the here and now; the present, the current singers. We now finally understand the reason for Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger’s concert, with front man Jim Morrison, got cancelled that was scheduled to happen mid February.
3.The readiness with which Indian audience embrace any genre of music has been attracting interest from big players in an international level. Year after year India has witnessed tours by various International Superstars. The recent concerts of Bryan Adams at select venues in India has been a huge success, in a way proclaiming to the world that India has opened up more to outside influence/international players.
4.The current Indian rock scene has a larger following than ever, and with the emergence of globalization, may soon be identified in the international arena on a larger scale. Lately, Delhi has seen a rise in bands including more contemporary,western influences. Bands like the White Stripes, Rage Against the Machine, Limp Bizkit and Slipknot are perfect examples.
5.Going ‘Digital’ is the new ‘key’ for the world of music with mobile phones becoming the most accessible device to listen music. Recent study indicates that more than 90% youth consume music through mobile phones, while 80% do so on TV and only 40% on Radio, showcasing the potency of the new medium. Even though this shift was only obvious, the flip side of the study was a cause of concern for most; the shocking fact that though 40% of the youth spend on music, almost ¾ downloads are pirated with the youth exchanging music illegally!!
6. In a way, the annual music connects hosted by Nokia Music Connects believes Piggy Chops has represented the Indian Music Scene on an international scale,with her vanity project “In my City”. We are still wondering if this is a good or a bad thing!
7. Believe it or not, ‘Bollywood’ music still conquers the mass market on Indian stereos , but not to forget that the alternative scene is growing and thriving as well.One notable change in the Indian music scene is that in the recent years there has been a rise in the number of music festivals, and an increase in dance nights, catering to upwardly mobile young Indians.
8.For all budding artists out there, you may be surprised, but it is just getting easier to get a chance to make it big with the music scene India being in nascent stage. ‘Kolaveri di’ was just one example to motivate your vocal chords.