Hailing from the dark alleys of Bangalore, Dark Desolation are one of the very few Black Metal bands in India….
Interview With Neolithic Silence
Neolithic Silence is a Thrash Metal band from Bangalore. Having recently qualified in the South Zone finals of Wacken Metal…
Interview With Witchgoat
Witchgoat – the badasses of the Bangalore scene. One of the most underground and yet popular band, Witchgoat have gained…
Interview With Bevar Sea
Bevar Sea – this Stoner/Doom band from Bangalore needs no introduction. Having been around for quite some time now, Bevar…
Solar Deity Finishes recording ‘Devil Worship’
Satanic Black Metal overlords Solar Deity have finished recording the follow-up to ‘The Darkness Of Being’ and the sequel to…
8 Things You Should Know About Shepherd
Probably one of the youngest bands in the Bangalore circuit playing own compositions, Shepherd have been gaining a steady fan…
Artist: Mad Orange Fireworks Album: Lifeline Cast Label: Self Release Date: August 2, 2013 Songs: 10 Noteworthy: Free Ain’t Moving &…
Interview With Djinn & Miskatonic
Hailing from Bangalore, Djinn & Miskatonic have been around since 2010. Officially starting to perform from 2011, they have gained…
Interview With Avi & the Uprising
A platform for creativity – Avi & The Uprising, with their infectiously hummable ‘Wahe guru’ tasted international viral success through…
3 Wise Monkeys and CT Records presents, RAINY PUNK GALORE on 15th August 2013 in Mumbai
The Lightyears Explode and Punk On Toast host Rainy Punk Galore which is a version of the D.I.Y. punk rock…