Bored of listening to ‘western’ music? Bored of ‘film songs’?In mood to trace back and experience the taste of rich carnatic music?Missed a good carnatic musician’s concert? Well, thanks to advancements in technology, Web radio exclusively for Carnatic music has arrived!
Launched on November 12,headed by Mr.RaviKiran, The Carnatic Radio Channel is broadcast on and features live events, concerts and full-length shows. That is not it all!Another such channel,, was launched by Charsur Digital Workstation in January. Other channels include, and
Already thinking of booking tickets for this December Music Festival?The December Music season with some sabhas being ticketed targeting the cream layers, it is always a disappointment for carnatic music lovers.But with the Web Radio’s being launched,the organizers are even trying to directly broadcast from the sabha! With programming done diligently, Internet radio will definitely have a big role to play as mainstream channels don’t give much space to classical arts. Moreover it also serves the purpose of the musicians to target the audience at large.Futhermore, the audience levels expands to the international market as well.With smart phone rising, we don’t think Carnatic music apps catering such needs is far away from innovation.