EO: You are back in India for the seventeenth time!! [All we can say is welcome back home ;)].Share with us few special moments from one of your performances here.
Aurora Jane: CORRECTION ; SEVENTH TIME! (wish it was 17…then I would be living here!)
We’ve had a wonderful time here so far this November. It has been lovely to catch up with old friends and fans of the music and also sink back into this unpredictable, and exciting land of spontenaiety! It was lovely to connect with fans from the North East who were at our show at Opus in Bangalore. Belting out Seven Sisters never feels better than when we play it in India!
EO: Tell us about your inspirations. Also, if you would want to try and remake some artists’ song. Which track would it be?
Aurora Jane: I am super inspired by so many artists, many of them in the independent music scene who are friends of mine. Soulmate are a quality act, who can hold a big stage for hours at a time, I find their commitment to their craft hugely inspirational. Growing up I was a huge Hendrix fan, and that passion has stayed with me. Over the years I have covered Manic Depression and Fire, and still feel excited about attempting many of his tracks… Crosstown Traffic could be on the cards in the future, coz I love the kazoo, and after being in India for a month now, getting around everywhere with all our gear, my life feels like Crosstown Traffic! Perhaps we could get some rickshwaw drivers to record a ‘horn’ section haha!
EO: What are your interests other than music? If not a musician, what would you have been?
Aurora Jane: I love to cook! I miss not having a kitchen when I am on the road. Traveling around playing music does bring the amazing gift of experiencing diverse cuisine. Mexican is my favorite at the moment, however, the food down here in Kerala is equally delicious! I’m not sure if I could ever become a commercial chef though… writing is more my cup of tea, and I also enjoy making short films and photography.
EO: You are definitely not ‘Plain Jane’ considering you have shared the stage with big names like John Butler Trio, Blue King Brown & The Waifs. Tell us who else you really would want to perform with in the near future?
Aurora Jane:There’s a Canadian band called Mother Mother who I think are super cool, I would like to open for them on tour in Canada. Also, if I ever had the chance to open for Red Hot Chili Peppers, I would be a very happy girl. But only if they let me sit in on a few tracks on guitar so I could do my best John Fruciante impersonation.
EO: Out of the records you have produced..your personal favorite? And why?
Aurora Jane: Recently, I would have to say Heidi McDermott, a jazz artist and singer-songwriter from Melbourne made a great record. We recorded a vocal take for the track ‘Deadly Love’ in one take, it was one of those incredible sessions where everything was so perfect in it’s initial delivery, that no edit was required. She has a pure, rich and sweet voice and knows how to use it. On my way back through Canada I will be recording some guitar from my friends band ‘Captain Dirt & the Skirt’, I look forward to some studio time after all this touring!

EO: We wish you good luck for your upcoming concerts. A tip that you could share with the young talents on how to perform with ‘energy’?
Aurora Jane: Conjuring the energy to give 110% on stage every night is sometimes simple, and other times a great challenge. Removing all your concerns from the day, no matter how challenging touring, sound-check or life may be, is essential. I try and feel the music, and remain present in each moment, rather than being ‘in my head’. Checking in with your band before you play, keeping good eye contact with each other during the show, and making sure to connect with the crowd is a great place to start. Beyond that I just look deep inside and remember why I am doing this – perhaps you feel the way I do about creating vibration… music is life… the rest is just details.