EO: How did it feel to be back in India?
Chicane: Always good. Great party crowd. I love the whole thing the food the colours the music the food…..
EO: Speaking of India, how has your experience been with Indian music and culture?
Chicane: I like it so much that back in 2006, I recorded a vocal in Bengali, on a track called Locking Down. It made it onto the Best Of – Album.
EO: What inspired you to start producing electronic music? Was it difficult to find a label to release your first track?
Chicane: I heard Jean-Michel Jarre and thought, what is that? Well originally we put stuff out ourselves and once people liked it the whole thing exploded. I have always released on my own label as Chicane – Modena.
EO: What role has equipment played in your projects? Do you prefer hardware synthesizers or software synthesizers?
Chicane: Trade secrets these are. Music is for enjoying not analyzing.
EO: Is it important to get mastering done from a professional studio?
Chicane: Yes. If by mastering you mean the final tweaks before a cut. As for recording, I don’t think it matters.

EO: How do you feel about the current trend of music promotion becoming more important than the music itself?
Chicane: Always was wasn’t it? You can be a great artist but without promotion you’re nowhere. The important thing is if the music in question deserves the push.
EO: Many labels today face a financial crunch due to the lack of CD sales and events. Your views?
Chicane: The old labels have a crisis: they already have a business plan that they find hard to move away from. The real point here is how slow major labels and governments were to react to internet in regard to piracy. There is very little protection for the artists. Speaking as someone who has had two albums leaked onto the net, it isn’t a pleasant experience. So I’m told the future is LIVE, and fortunately we have always been a live act, more a band and definitely a show.
EO: Which is your favorite music festival performance?
Chicane: Funnily enough they all blur into one. I would say we recently played in Ukranine and there were twenty-five thousand people in the town square, and that was some gig. They know how to party there. Really though, all festivals are good, I like the atmosphere.
EO: What message would you give to upcoming musicians in India who are struggling to build a base in the scene?
Chicane: I can only advise from a musical perspective as I don’t know enough about the country and its music industry. Mainly, work to get something that is unique in your sound. I do believe that longevity is about people being comfortable with you and able to recognise that something is your no matter what style or genre you’re in.
EO: What can your fans expect from Chicane in the near future?
Chicane: Well, I’m working on the new studio album which will be released next year. There are going to be some pretty stunning collaborations and guest appearances – I hope. I’ve just been recording in Mumbai with Anushka and that track is going to be stunning.
All Chicane video content can be found on www.chicanemusic.com and
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