Hailing from the dark alleys of Bangalore, Dark Desolation are one of the very few Black Metal bands in India. They are endorsed by SIT strings, In Tune Pectrums and Soultone Cymbals and were recently featured on the Transylvanian print magazine Slowly We Rot. Read our interview with them:
Eight Octaves: What does it take to bring together a metal band? How did you guys start your musical journey?
Dark Desolation: It takes like-minded people to bring together any band. Dark Desolation formed in 2010 July when Shredaj (lead guitars) was looking forward to get in touch with people with similar musical interests. While doing that he found Maggot (vocals). ShredAj relocated to the metal capital of India, Bangalore, which is now known as Bengaluru. The two met and things seemed fine and then the hunt for a drummer began. While, the two started working on material and they saw this skinny guy who could blast the hell out of drums, he could tear the place apart with his drumming. Through some additional search the three of us found a rhythm guitarist named Dharni and a bass player called Jayant who used to play with Shredaj in a band.
Eight Octaves: What do you think separates a metal band from a mall core band, attitude-wise, musically and philosophically?
Dark Desolation: We don’t wish to comment on it because we might not be into that type of music but however respect all genres of music!
Eight Octaves: Some techniques as a band that you follow, which you think helps better in reaching out to the audience?
Dark Desolation: Aggressive promotion!
Eight Octaves: Do you like any black metal bands? If so, which? Have they influenced your music in any way?
Dark Desolation: Yes there are tons of Black Metal bands we love and listen to. Fortunately they have not influenced our music because we don’t believe in getting our influences into songwriting. Because if you do so, what’s the point in forming a band when you’re not using your head to come up with original stuff?
Eight Octaves: How would you incorporate ‘world music’ into the band curriculum?
Dark Desolation: World music has nothing to do with band curriculum.

Eight Octaves: If you had to pick and rework on any artist’s work, which track would it be and why?
Dark Desolation: Well that depends! For instance, we had covered ‘Suicidal Ritual’ by the Polish band, ‘Besatt’. We wanted to cover something which nobody has covered and by adding an element of Dark Desolation into it, we made it sound unique. We’re glad Besatt liked it!
Eight Octaves: What is the kind of gear you use on stage and for recording? Having won most of the competitions happening all over India, which ones do you enjoy more?
Dark Desolation: To name a few for live we use Line 6 POD x3 Live and Zoom G5, BC Rich, Ibanez, Traben, Soultone cymbals, In Tune Guitar plectrums, Sit Strings, Big Bends, Trick etc. For recording it’s a separate set up altogether. Black Metal is not for competitions and we do not play in competitions.
Eight Octaves: What is your greatness/weakness as a band?
Dark Desolation: Our music is everything to us!
Eight Octaves: What have you guys planned for the future? Also share a word of advice for all the music enthusiasts out there.Dark Desolation: An album is expected! Hail Black Metal \M/