‘Dark Suns’- Well we think the name is pretty interesting. How would you define your kind of music?
Though it is kind of a relict of our earlier days (when everything seemed gloomy and dark;-), the bandname still works defining both melancholic and hopeful aspects of our music. I guess it`s like a Chiaroscuro framing all the facets. There never was masterplan for us. We always loved trying out new things, leaving the beaten track and are in a constant movement I think. Recording the same album again and again doesn`t make sense for us. I guess we`re progressive, experimental, delicate, cracky and nostalgic in a way. Maybe underrated too…
You guys have performed at many places. Which concert as a band do you consider your best and any memories that you could share with us?
Our “Orange” Release Show (late 2011) rocked the best so far… Furthermore all the shows during our European tour with Pain of Salvation in 2005 were just great, open minded crowd, awesome crew and really nice venues. To name only one: Milan was one of the best for us, crasy italien dudes screamed louder than Hell;-) Maybe the acoustic night ( about a month ago) in our hometown was fantastic too. We covered Lana del Rey and I had a lot of fun with the audience by wearing a showy dress;-)
In a scale of ten, where would you place the “unique sound” of the band as a whole? How important do you think is the need to be different and how different do you think you are from the bands out there?
“Orange” was recorded live to create this “unique sound” as a band. It`s a dynamic process of up and downs. It`s a real live situation calling for swift reaction and the highest level of interaction; fuck ups included;-) There are many bands proclaiming this retro style of recording but in the end it sounds edited and sterile anyway. Losing control can sometimes create new space and sounds a lot more human to me. I don`t like the compatible high end stuff at all. Maybe we`re different in that point of thinking.
How do you think you have evolved from “Swanlike” to “Existence” ?
Means between 2000 and 2004. Hell, …a lot I think. We matured as a band, played many shows, learned how to use our instruments more effectively, we had uncountable sessions, spent days in our rehearsing room (forgot to sleep), trying out new things and did handicrafts with the arrangements. Inspired by songs, ideas, books and artists in general it was the most exciting period of development. We were still young and our everyday life was music. I quitted the “swanlike” growls and concentrated on clean vocals more, as they would fit better to the whole “Existence” concept. Writing conceptional lyrics was a new challenge too. Also the sound evolved in our leveraged own studio. Great times!

What plans do you hold for the next three years? Future projects?
Giving up smoking;-) Playing more shows, starting the new songwriting process, giving birth to a DS live DVD (“Orange” Release show) and maybe a solo album cause there are gigabytes of fragments on our PCs waiting for revival. So, …rolling up my sleeves;-)
If you wanted to rework on any one of your albums,which one would that be and why? Also what would be your favourite if asked pick one amongst your compositions as a band?
Generally none I guess, every album stands for a specific band period and recording process. It would be wrong hearted changing anything from today’s view. My favourite? Antipole, Ghost, One endless childish day, Amphibian halo… (impossible to pick one;-)
Do you have a “favourite song” you have ever written as a band? If yes, why?
You guys have been in the metal picture for more than two decades now. How do you think the scene of ‘metal music’ has changed over the years?
People became more open minded. I don`t know if we are still metal now, the music changed a lot… never denying our roots is important but the journey went on. The business is quite hard, so it is not that easy to fulfill these stereotype conditions the scene is often coloured with. I don’t listen to the standard metal music anymore cause I’m so bored of it. There’s a lot to discover beyond the classic scene and I prefer the mutations between metal, rock and other styles. Keeps my mind fresh in a way, you know;-)
N.B: All the questions are answered by vocalist of the band Nico Knappe For media and booking Dark Suns – contact www.unseenunderground.com ( in Asia )