If one Black/Thrash band was not enough, the Echoes From Beneath crew present to you one of the finest from Sri Lanka – Manifestator. A super group, intoxicated with alcohol and porn, playing their hearts out and not giving a damn about other things; Manifestator are all set to thrash you alongside Witchgoat during the inaugural edition of Echoes From Beneath. Wartek takes some time out to speak out his mind in this candid interview:
Eight Octaves: Hails from India! How are we doing today?
Wartek: Sex!!! Uparima..!! Athal!!!
Eight Octaves: Tell us a little about your early days. What led to the formation of Manifestator?
Wartek: This was a prolonged project by me. I always wanted to play extreme speed music. Mainly Thrash. So, I tried forming a band after my previous band Forlorn Hope spitted, and I worked with 2 guitarists, 2 bassists and 3 drummers before anything happened. B.W.G (Genocide Shrines) was really interested in playing with me on the guitars, as he knew my vision for a Thrash Attack and it has always being really comfortable in making music with him. Then everything else just fell in place and we created the black thrash arsenal Manifestator with Nuklear Toxicator & Khaoshiva Solasthar (Genocide Shrines).
Eight Octaves: Coming to your genre, what was the reason behind choosing to play Black/Thrash? It is one of the least common genres around, at least in the subcontinent.
Wartek: 1st it was going to speed thrash, like we were going to stick to that; then suddenly everything changed. The desire for Black Metal is tempting. I and B.W.G come from Black Metal Bands, and our sound is very crustier and for Manifestator lyrical themes there is no other genre that suits.
Eight Octaves: Tell us about your composition process a bit. How do you go about composing a new song?
Wartek: 1st it’s the name of the song and then I write the lyrics and a concept for the song and I always have a melody or at least a style for each song in my head while I write. And I explain it to B.W.G and he comes up with the craziest riffs and both of us get together and construct the main sound and we jam and we make the song. But the lyrics always changes until I feel it’s right.
Eight Octaves: When you first started out in 2009, how did the local scene in Sri Lanka respond to your music? Any criticisms or praises that you received during your first gig, which may have changed your mind set and helped you improve and adjust to the scene?
Wartek: Bewildered!! We were great. Tight like a virgin cunt. Apart from the part that we were so wasted that I started vomiting on stage while I was singing. Only praises as no one knew that we will sound so great. Since we know a lot of people and being here in the Black Metal scene from the start everyone was really surprised at what we make from our music. Anyway we knew from the time we started we can’t stop this band, because of the sound we create makes us go crazier every time we play.
Eight Octaves: You had plans of releasing a studio EP/demo sometime back, but it didn’t happen due to some reasons. Any plans of releasing your materials in the coming future? Maybe, a split release with some other band?
Wartek: We do this through a lot of hardships, and we all have our personal problems to deal with, so we have now settled back again already started composing more noise. There will be an album and a couple of splits too.

Eight Octaves: Bangalore is all set to witness the Sri Lankvlt warriors. What do you have in store for them?
Wartek: Sic, Six, Sex!!!
Eight Octaves: Your personal favourite band from the Echoes From Beneath line up, if any, would be?
Wartek: That would be Genocide Shrines, not only coz we are brothers, it’s the music. I’ve checked all the other bands, they are all Killer!! It’s only my lack of knowledge in the industry.
Eight Octaves: Any other gigs planned for the year as of now?
Wartek: No. We want to record and next year on we will be ready to tour.
Eight Octaves: If given a chance, one band/artist you would like to open for or play with would be?
Wartek: Inquisition!!!!!
Eight Octaves: Let’s have a round of 5 quickfire questions. Write down the first thing that comes to your mind:
- One band from Sri Lanka everyone should check out would be?
Wartek: Paranoid Earthling
- Favourite Manifestator song to perform live?
Wartek: G.O.D.
- The most memorable Manifestator gig till date?
Wartek: Siamese True Metal Fest, Thailand(2012)
- One song you would love to cover live?
Wartek: I got Erection by Turbo Negro.
- One festival/gig you would die to perform in?
Wartek: True Thrash Fest Osaka (2 days of fucking thrash)
Eight Octaves: Lastly, any words of wisdom for the young bands out there? Wartek: Fuck You..!!! And All of you!!! – That’s the only attitude you need.