Kerry King, Dave Lombardo and Gary Holt (Exodus) walk in to Hard Rock Cafe to the cheers of the media awaiting to be graced by their presence.
A very frank and down to earth Q&A session took place. We have highlighted the top questions and answered worth mentioning of Eight Octaves and all other fellow media folk present during the conference. It went something like this.
Q: Firstly, welcome to India. What took you so long!?
Kerry King: (Laughs) Well, you know it’s all about promoters getting here and stuff. India is pretty much detached from the rest of the world. I don’t know if we have any equipment besides out guitars and heads. We’ll see when we get there. It will be great. Looking forward to it.
Q: What made you decide on the name Slayer (Not us!)
Kerry King: (Laughs more) That’s a 30 year old question. I think that brain cell’s gone with all the years of liquor. Well, it is a good name to chant. It is good to hear the fans go SLAYER, SLAYER! A lot of band names today you can’t chant, I really dont understand that.
Q: How is Jeff doing?
Kerry King: Jeff’s doing fine. Tom went to his house last time we were rehearsing to go out and see what he looks like. He is doing good, living his life.
Q: What’s in store for the gig tomorrow? Anything special?
Kerry King: Well the special part of it for me is, we have never played in India before. We could play anything we have ever played. I am trying to get a lot of the old stuff in there. Rest of the world has seen the old stuff, you guys haven’t. We will play new stuff but I will make sure you get a good serving of the old stuff as well.
(Crowd Cheers)
Q: Any chance of a Big 4 gig in India soon?
Kerry King: I don’t know man, we had a lot of fun on the Big 4, but somebody has to always ruin it for everybody, leaves a bad taste in everybody’s mouth (Someone shouts “Lars?”). Ha-ha, no, Lars is one of the fun people actually. We had a great gig with Metallica, everybody had fun doing it. We just need to get away for a while and everyone will miss it, after which we should be back.
Q: Speaking of the Big 4, if you had to choose a 5th member and call it the Big 5, who would you choose and why?
Kerry King: Gary Holt, because he is here. Exodus!
Q: Is Tom Araya already sick because of the Indian food, since he is not here?
Kerry King: (Laughs) Haha, no. Tom got in later than us
Q: Have you heard any Indian Bands. Do you have any favorites?
Dave Lombardo: I haven’t researched any Indian bands, but I would love to hear some.
Q: Would you ever consider collaborating with Indian bands?
Dave Lombardo: I would, I dont know about Slayer.
Q: Have you started recording a new album?
Dave Lombardo: Yes we have. This was back in May. (Any Names?) No Names yet. (Is Jeff going to be a part of it?) Well we hope so.
Q: Gary, how do you feel being a part of Slayer and how is it different from Exodus?
Gary Holt: Well its different from Exodus, because there is much less responsibility, which is awesome (Laughs). In Exodus, I wear all the hats just like Kerry does for Slayer. In Slayer, it’s just shut up and play your guitar. I am playing with guys with whom I have been playing with since we were children, so the friendship, admiration and respect has always been there and I get to play Angel of Death every night, that doesn’t suck.
Q: Your album Christ Illusion wasn’t received very well in India. What are your thoughts on albums being flagged and banned in general?
Dave Lombardo: I don’t think that’s right you know, Governments or countries ban any kind of music. We are just going to so what we do and try and offend as many people as possible.
Q: Do you feel different when you play in front of 80,000 people as compared to 10,000 people? Do you get nervous?
Gary Holt: I do!
Dave Lombardo: I get excited. But nervous, where I get sick or throw up, that doesn’t happen anymore to us.
Kerry King: As far as I am concerned. I there are 50 or 50000 at a show, they have all paid for it and deserve the same show.
Q: Now that Jeff is out of action, if not for Pat or Gary, who else would you have chosen as a guitarist?
Kerry King: That’s a tough one. If Gary would have said no, I dont know what I would have done. He is a perfect fit. Our history goes way back with a very similar background. I get asked that all the time. If Gary can’t play, who are you going to get ? Let’s hope that never happens.
Q: You guys have been around for about 30 years. What keeps you going in the studio and on stage?
Kerry King: I think for me, its playing live.
Dave Lombardo: I love playing live
Kerry King: I hate recording.
Dave Lombardo: I love recording (Laughs).
Q: Most of your songs involve social or political commentary. Do you consider that to be an integral part of your music?
Kerry King: I think its about saying things people are afraid to say, letting people know its okay to say those things. That being said, if I had a point to any of my music its “Think for yourself” dont just presume this is how it is just because someone tells you so.

Q: Who have been your influences musically?
Kerry King: Definitely Judas Priest and Iron Maiden.
Q: How about now ?
Kerry King: Well I have been listening to a lot of early Black Sabbath. Earlier, I didn’t even like Black Sabbath. I am just getting more into it now because we played in London a while back and met Zakk Wylde!
Q: Speaking of Black Sabbath, you guys have worked with Rick Rubin. Do you think he is the right person for the new Sabbath album?
Kerry King: I don’t think he is the right guy for any album.
(Everyone Laughs)
Q: How different is it playing on stage now as compared to when you started out?
Kerry King: I think the only difference is now, your stuff works. When you’re young, you cant afford the amp you’re playing through. You go gig to gig just trying to pay for gas to get there. Now, our stuff “generally” works. Other than that, its the same thing we did 30 years ago. Just a bigger arena.
Q: Could you tell us about one gig which was the most memorable for you?
Kerry King: (Long Pause) My memory is not what it used to be (laughs). That being said, I guess the first Big Four. I thought it was a really cool thing for the fans and a week later, I felt really cool about it too.
Q: What do you think of the thrash metal scene now ? Have you seen any promising acts ?
Kerry King: I have not.. I still like Slayer, Exodus, Testament and Anthrax. The new bands not too much.
Q: Are you guys a fan of the German teutonic thrash scene?
Gary Holt: I am. Big time. Kreator, Sodom, Desturction. They deserve a lot of credit too.
Q: Speaking of the current music scene with the Justin Biebers and Lady Gagas of the world where there is not much emphasis on musical talent, do you feel that there is any threat to the metal scene?
Kerry King: I don’t think so, the last big threat to metal was grunge. There are bands that have come out of that, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, but the fad part is gone. Metal has never been a fad. It might lay low for a while, but we are still talking about Black Sabbath and Judas Priest and all the bands since. Metal is more of a brotherhood.
Q: What are your thoughts on Justin Bieber?
Kerry King: Cut your hair.
Gary Holt: That little kid made 47 million dollar last year. Hats off. Go Justin! Just don’t mess with Katy Perry, then I’ll get mad.
Q: Do you think there would ever be another Band like Judas Priest or Black Sabbath.
Kerry King: I don’t think so. There is never going to be another Slayer. There is never going to be another Metallica. I think, that’s just part of history and you move on from there. You can clearly hear the Iron Maiden and Judas Priest references in our early records. You just figure out who you are after that and move on.
Q: The metal scene in India is still at its infancy but picking up real fast. Do you have any advice for the upcoming musicians here.
Kerry King: Just play what you’re into. If you don’t play what you’re into, the fans will see right through you eventually.
Q: Are we going to see Exodus in India anytime soon?
Gary Holt: We have had offers, but the timing has just not been right, but I would love to bring the rest of the boys here. Probably once I am back, I will have good things to say about the audience and get them all fired up.
Q: What do you have to say about Dave Mustaine and the rest of Megadeth ?
Dave Lombardo: (Shakes his head)
(Everyone laughs)
Kerry King: There is a reason why the Big 4 isn’t playing right now.
(Laughter all around)
Q: Do you think Mustaine would ever go back to Metallica and do a gig with them
Kerry King: I don’t think Metallica would have him.
Gary Holt: I think he was talking about a super group idea the other day where James, Lars, him and Dave junior should make a super group, and I was like, excuse me isn’t Metallica the super-est of super groups. They are as big as it gets.
Q: What can you tell us about the new album?
Kerry King: Well we got two songs done, but not mixed. We have another two done without lead and vocals. It’s going to be awesome. I can say that!
Here is Kerry King giving a shout out to Eight Octaves and all the fans: