Hailing from Bangalore and worshipping the elder gods of Heavy-Black-Thrash Metal, Witchgoat is a 5-piece Blackened Thrash Metal supergroup. Impressing everyone with their debut gig in Chennai, they took some time to play their first gig in their hometown. Come 22nd of June, Bangalore will see this goat bleating and fuming some hate at the inaugural Doom Over Bangalore. Here is a very excited Necrömaniax providing us with some pretty decent parental guidance content:
Eight Octaves: Infernal hails! How are you doing today? Burnt any churches yet?
Necrömaniax: I feel like shit. Thanks for fucking asking. Yeah we burnt a fucking cathedral last night because we don’t have anything better to do with our fucking time. I mean what the fuck? Do we look like those dildos from Norway?

Eight Octaves: Tell us a bit about your influences in music and life
Necrömaniax: How about I tell you a bit about my balls? They’re hairy and oblong. Big hairy Oblong disco balls bitch!!!!
Eight Octaves: What are your lyrical themes mainly based on? Any particular subject you prefer to write songs on? Or does the theme vary from song to song?
Necrömaniax: Yeah we write about penises. Sometimes the theme changes from human penises to animal penises but always about penises. You’re getting excited already aren’t you? Stop fucking salivating.
Eight Octaves: Tell us about the formation of the group and the genre selection. How did Witchgoat come into existence?
Necrömaniax: Fuck now there’s a question we’ve NEVERRRR fucking answered before. How fucking original. And genre selection? Christ on a fucking tricycle. Ok asshole, we play Troika trance jazz with animal mating samples.
Eight Octaves: All of you are/were associated with a successful band. So generally speaking, how seriously do you guys take Witchgoat as a project? Is it like a part time side project for you all or are you considering to seriously establish yourselves as a band?
Necrömaniax: Ahahahahahaha successful bands my ass. The only thing we’re looking to establish is a giant statue of a penis outside your fucking window.

Eight Octaves: Your cover of Death or Glory for the Motorhead Tribute India album seems to be pretty good. How was the experience working for the album?
Necrömaniax: It was like taking a long watery dump on your bed. Go get a glass big boy.
Eight Octaves: Your performances and songs have been pretty well received by the audience. Any chance of releasing an EP soon?
Necrömaniax: By EP I’m assuming you mean Elongated Penis. We’re gonna release it up your fucking nostrils.
Eight Octaves: What can we expect from Witchgoat during Doom Over Bangalore? Any new materials to be debuted?
Necrömaniax: New materials? What the fuck do we look like? Carpet salesmen? I’ve got some Velcro for your ass if you’re interested.
Eight Octaves: In the past year or so, the local gig scene in Bangalore has seen pretty low turnouts. Your views this? Any suggestions on how to improve the turnout?
Necrömaniax: Yeah how about we all dangle our fucking shlongs outside every gig so despo cocksuckers like you and that cunt from Green Day fill up the fucking place
Eight Octaves: All of you are senior musicians in the Bangalore circuit. So, any words of wisdom for the upcoming bands?
Necrömaniax: Yeah! FUCK OFF