Witchgoat – the badasses of the Bangalore scene. One of the most underground and yet popular band, Witchgoat have gained a nice following in just about a year. This super group containing members of Kryptos, Bevar Sea and ex-Culminant is ready to drill you a new one during the inaugural Echoes From Beneath. Here is Mr. Necromaniax again, telling us how excited he is to play in the gig:
Eight Octaves: Nice to have you guys back again! How are you doing?
Necromaniax: Fuck it’s you again. Just fucking great. We’re doing fine sweetheart….especially after you sent us that video of you and a donkey getting it on. You got some moves man….and that donkey can fucking swallow. Goddamn. HEE HAWWWW!!!
Eight Octaves: You had to pull out of Doom Over Bangalore as Nolan was down with dengue and Avinash was still recovering from his shoulder injury. How are things in the camp at this moment?
Necromaniax: CAMP? Ahahahaha. What do we look like asshole? Refugees from fucking Gabon? And who the fuck are Nolan and Avinash? What kind of fucking lame names are those? It’s Necromaniax and Arson Monk to you pal. Tattoo them on your fucking testicles right now.
Eight Octaves: Each member of Witchgoat is a part of a well settled band, of a totally different genre. So when you guys jam, how easy or difficult is it to come up with ideas for a new song or maybe revamping a cover in your own style?
Necromaniax: It’s fucking easy as shit motherfucker. We just stick a fucking photograph of you on the wall and next thing you know we’re making some of the most pissed off music that ever fucking existed. I think it all has to do with that fucking emo-fag look you have. Just like that cunt Bono. What kind of a fucking name is BONO? Say it non stop. BONOBONOBONOBONOBONOBONOBONOBONOBONOBONOBONO. AHAHAHHAHA it sounds like a bunch of seals getting rammed by a fucking blue whale.
Eight Octaves: When not jamming or playing, what do you guys usually prefer to do? (except watching animal porn and gazing at goat tits 😛 )
Necromaniax: We usually prefer to make giant posters of our penises and staple them all over your fucking house.
Eight Octaves: One fact that makes you guys stand out from the rest is your “in-your-face” attitude you present to the audience while performing. How would you define this attitude?
Necromaniax: How the fuck do you define an attitude you fucking tampon? OK IT’S A TRIANGLE. There’s your fucking definition.

Eight Octaves: It has been confirmed that you guys have new compositions in stock now. So what can we expect from your set at Echoes From Beneath?
Necromaniax: We have GIANT PENISES in stock. Hurry asshole and tell all your fucking friends. Get them all for FREE so you can feel a real echo from beneath coming at you while you fucking sleep.
Eight Octaves: Since you have quite a few original songs now, any plans of releasing an EP or a mini-album anytime soon?
Necromaniax: There’s nothing mini about us you pube chewer. But yes we shall release our ELONGATED PENIS on vinyl so you can see it go round and round till it fucking hypnotises you.
Eight Octaves: Coming to the gig again, you will be playing alongside Manifestator. The only Black/Thrash attack from Bangalore meets its counterpart from Sri Lanka. How excited are you regarding the gig?
Necromaniax: Oh muh gawd, like yknow, we’re like yknow sooo excited. Like eeeeee oh mah gawd what are we like yknow going to like wear yknow? Eeeee we’re going to look like yknow…so like….adorable…yknow. Eeeeeee OMG
FUCK OFF…yknow! Both us and Manifestator are going to be stomping on turd handlers like you all through the night.
Eight Octaves: Well, your favourite part now. Go and abuse our readers for wasting their time here. All yours.
Necromaniax: We’d like to thank all our readers for all their wonderful support and for taking time off to read this interview of ours. It really means a lot to us. We love you all and we hope you have a lovely time at our recital on the 7th. Muah!