XECTOR, initially known as “SPITFIRE” was formed in 2006, by the founding member suhas , who is currently the guitarist. He brought together a group of passionate, crazy, talented metal enthusiasts. In 2008 , after months of brainstorming a set of new melodic/heavy and technically challenging songs were churned out which were played at these shows. However two of the members had to part way s with the band later that year. After a three year long hiatus , the guitarists Suhas and Ashutosh and the vocalist charan found a new drummer Arjun(ex-nekrosys) and bass player Parik and reformed the band as XECTOR. The five of them re-composed some of the older songs and a few new ones with the added experience and maturity gained over the years. Late in 2011 , the band hit the studios to record their EP “ BEYOND OBLIVION “
EO: How did you guys come up on the name “Xector” and is there any significant correlation as to how the band formed?
Suhas: XECTOR-An area or portion of sound or sphere of activity that is distinct from others.
Initially we were known as SPITFIRE, and as the days progressed members in the band started having conflicting thoughts and ideology about lot of things. Due to that people pursued what they thought was best for them and the band became defunct for quiet some time.so eventually me and Charan thought of reforming the band and making a comeback in the scene but with a release this time.so when we reformed with 2 new members on board (which was a rollercoaster ride!!) we thought we should have a better mature name than SPITFIRE!! .so we all discussed and came up with lot of names and finally we chose what suited our theme and the band as a whole and that’s how Xector was born!!
EO: Tell us more about “Beyond Oblivion”. Memories that you could share about the recording?
Suhas: Soon after reforming we had enough material with us and all of us were just waiting to record and put out an EP which was long due and finally hit the studios when all the members in the band knew their parts and the songs. So we decided to record with Siddhart Kamath (Live Banned) and it was a blast recording in his studio. There were times especially during late nights (that was the time we recorded!!) where we sat down to record but ended up getting wasted listening to some trippy stuff and realizing no productive work was done the previous night lol!! Recording took its own sweet time as I had to Record all the guitar parts of all the songs except solos which was done by Ashutosh and other instruments were eventually done .in between Siddhart had lot of commitments and shows and then came mixing and mastering and finally EP was ready!!. It was a blast working with Siddhart as he produced and put in lot of ideas in our songs and is immensely talented. So “Beyond Oblivion” our debut EP lasts around 21 mins containing 4 songs and we are quite happy the way it’s turned out.
EO: You have been influenced by a wide range of bands such as Death, Blotted Science, Dying Fetus, SoilWork, Devildriver, Nevermore, Cynic , Arsis etc..What do you think these bands share which adds up as their ‘D- factor’?
Suhas: All of us in the band grew up listening to these legends and we all just instantly connect the way they write their material. Even though their genres may be different but at the end of the day they are portraying a message or a movement or a cause etc. which I think is the whole point. The passion, sheer efforts, aggressiveness to take it to the next level and having a meaning to each and every song is something each and every band has been doing. These stuffs makes you take note of it in every possible manner (good or bad) and makes you think about everything society, people,politics,space,sorrow,fear,patterns etc.. And moulds you into the person you are. It really makes you think and makes you have an opinion and that is the power of songwriting which these bands have been doing it for years and ultimately its just following your passion for music.
EO: If you have to describe your music/ sound you produce as a band, how would you describe your style of music?
Suhas: It’s just pure METAL. Well, if you listen to our records you can see lot of styles varying from death metal,thrash, metalcore,etc etc. so we really cannot define our genre of our music cos it contains most of the styles and it would be just unfair to brand our music as some genre. We really don’t bother what kinda genre our songs should be instead we just concentrate on the songwriting process and try to have a unique sound which should be the ultimate goal of any band.
EO: What do you feel are your strengths and weaknesses as a band?
Suhas: Haha! Lots to point out.. strength wise all the members in our band are very good at what they are musically and that’s kinda scary too…!!! (Because you never know when people will have side projects and totally forget bout the parent band). Weakness- we hardly jam!! We will have ample time to do other stuff apart from jamming and then when we meet in the jam room if there are any shows , we just start throwing everything at each other and still be tight at the end of the day Lol. Very amusing!! Oh we fight a lot by the way!! But that’s just to be in sync with our songs!!!
EO: Do you have a “ favorite song” you have ever written as a band? If yes, why?
Suhas: hmmmm…. It’s really tough to say because when we try and compose song we make sure it sounds right. We sit and debate, fight over riffs, vocals, drumlins, etc. just to make sure our record sounds the way we want it to be. But if you ask me it has to be SHADOW OF GOD. This song brings back all the memories we as a band had together and the pain we took to compose it. I remember taking two months just to write this song and making further changes just to make sure it sounds right and we are pretty happy about the way it’s come out.

EO: If you could re-record, or re-write any song of one artist who influenced you, which artist would it be and what song would it be?
Suhas: NONE. I absolutely think they have done total justice to whatever or however they have approached their songs which we all have been influenced and these bands knew what exactly they were doing. I wouldn’t even be influenced in the first place if their songs didn’t have an impression on me. so when one has been influenced there is no point in changing it or re-recording it. It doesn’t make any sense.
EO: What have you guys planned for the future?
Suhas: well since we started fresh we definitely would like to be playing lots of gigs and coming back to the scene as the local scene here is really dying. Apart from that we have started writing new material and planning on a full length release by next year if all things go well hopefully!!!
EO: How would you define ‘passion for music’? Also share a word of advice for all the music enthusiasts out there.
Suhas: Being able to do what one can musically no matter what people say and standing up for it and following it. Cos at the end of the day I believe one shouldn’t be filled with regrets .music gives purpose in one’s life. If not for music we all would be zombies I guess lol. its jus following your dream and sharing those experiences. I would like to point out one very important view here. People here talk a lot about bringing up the local scene and blah blah blah. But what’s the use if people have genre based biased shows. Honestly speaking I have not seen any new bands take stage and perform because it’s the same old bands playing. People talk a lot about not being biased towards genre and immediately diss the band because they are not old school enough!!!! If one really appreciated metal you would be listening to all kinds of genres. One can see debates with old school vs new school and talking crap about different genres of metal on social networking sites. That’s really pathetic and sad .no wonder our scene is stagnant. I hope in the future new bands get to show case their talents and take stage irrespective whether they are old or new school.
lastly stay true to your roots and BUY OUR CDS and support the local scene!!! Cheers!!