Having been a colleague and college junior of hers for a while, I felt quite ignorant because I didn’t know for the longest time that Aabha sang, and how! Most of the time, our conversations revolved around Kashmiri food, college and the poor road sense of everyone, but us. Her ability to take a chord, sing the daylights out of it and still have the energy to go to work the next morning, somehow came up much later. Such is the humility of Aabha Hanjura, the lead singer and vocalist of the band sufistication, who also is an independent singer in her own right!
As the only girl in her band, she gets to feature her quirky and straightforward self on 8Octaves as a woman who rocks.
You are Called: Aabha Hanjura
You play with: My band Sufistication and solo
Your role: Vocals
The other band members include Midhun Mukundan on keyboards, who also arranges the music, Ganesh Govindaswamy on percussions and sounds, Joshua Satya on guitars, Yadhunandan Nagraj on drums and Philip on bass.
EO: Let’s start where it all began. Considering you are a familiar household face, did Indian Idol help to make your journey as a musician easier and how?
Aabha: Indian idol was a wonderful opportunity for me considering I came from a small town and sang only in school functions and for my friends, Indian Idol put me on that big stage and gave me national exposure at the young age of 18. I met a lot of people in the industry, competed with some of India’s best talent and reaching the finals made me realise my potential as well. I can’t say it made my journey easier but yes it was a great first foot in the door.
EO: Tell us a little bit about your band and the kind of music you play for our readers to get to know you better.
Aabha: My band is called Aabha and Sufistication. We play modern versions of
age-old Kashmiri, Punjabi, Rajasthani and Sindhi sufi folk music.
We’re a young band full of energy the band members come from varied backgrounds so each member brings in his own sensibility to the music. The band consists of Midhun Mukundan on keyboards and also arranges the music, Ganesh Govindaswamy on percussions and sounds, Joshua Satya on guitars,
Yadhunandan Nagraj on drums and Philip on bass.
EO: What is the inspiration and thought behind your music?
Aabha: Kashmir! That’s where the base sound of my music is from, the valley inspired me to do this album I am working on, it’s called Aabha and the Sound of Kashmir, the single from which released (Kithe Nain) a while back. I am from Kashmir and I do hope to take the music of Kashmir to the world.
The thought is simple, to make good music & make it reach out to as many people as possible.
EO: Is it harder or easier in this industry as a woman musician?
Aabha: Not any easier!
EO: Since your music does not necessarily cater to the large masses of the youth, what are the biggest challenges you face?
Aabha: Alternative and Independent music in India is at a stage where acceptance is slowly but surely coming-Indie music, on the other hand, has its own audience. For me specifically making sufi music interesting & relevant for people across different age groups is the real task. My musical sensibilities are a blend of classical & modern and I approach sufi music in my own style.
I try and infuse a lot of today into yesterday; fusing rustic sounds with modern day sounds to reach a sound which appeals to one and all. By far, lots of youngsters have liked it. So far so goodJ
EO: Media house by day and recording studio by night, tell us more about that kind of busy lifestyle.
Aabha: It’s Maddening but fulfilling 🙂 I don various hats & do some major multi-tasking; I guess god made us women like that! From morning when I start work to the time I end my day with my riyaz at midnight, time flies between meetings, recordings, practice and shows.
I wish there were more than 24 hours in a day!
The lifestyle is sure busy yes, but that is how I am made. I have to constantly be doing something; I’m quite a restless soul at that. Music is calming though, when I’m in the jam room or the studio all the fatigue evaporates

EO: What is the best thing about being a woman musician today?
Aabha: The best thing is that I can listen to my heart, spread good music and people appreciate it.
Women across India in different fields are finding their feet and creating an identity for themselves which is such a healthy trend. It’s a great phase & time to be a musician in.
All I can say is, more Power to women who want to pursue their passion..!
EO: What is your biggest achievement or moment of pride so far?
Aabha: My biggest achievement? Hmm..that hasn’t happened yet 😉 Yes I’m ambitious! But if I have to put a finger to one such moment by far, it would have to be the day when I met India’s inspiration machine Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam and presented some of my work to him. He heard it, appreciated & encouraged my efforts. It was unreal, humbling, inspiring & absolutely blissful to meet with a man the entire nation looks up to.
It was also extremely gratifying when my single made a TV debut with MTV recently. Like she said, her greatest achievement so far could be meeting our Ex-president, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam and the proof of the joy lies in her cover picture, where she grins from ear to ear. Start off with an achievement so far, the best her fans can do is wait for more of these photo moments to come up soon!