She works trade as she makes music. She believes that music is as difficult a career as any but that has nothing to do with gender. Meet the strong and avant-garde Archy Jay who espouses freedom. She talks music to Eight Octaves as a tribute to woman’s day.
You play with: RogueSaints
You are called: Archy
You are: Vocalist
Eight Octaves: What was it like growing up as a girl interested in music?
Archy: For me it was pretty normal. I didn’t have to fight much for my interest in music. It was always an amazing feeling. I loved to sing; took part in school competitions and did well and enjoyed music.
Eight Octaves: Was your family supportive?
Archy: Yes, my family is my backbone! They are super supportive even today. I grew up in a home where my mother was a brilliant singer so those genes just poured in. In fact, she encouraged me a lot, trained me with whatever she knew. My parents are absolutely cool if I make Music my career.
Eight Octaves: Is music a full-time career for you?
Archy: As of now, I’m also working and making music is not fulltime. However that’s where it intends to go for me. When things start to grow, I would eventually like to be known as a musician more than anything else.
Eight Octaves: Do you feel it is a viable career for a women in our country?
Archy: The only disadvantage women have over men is physical strength and music is not a royal rumble. I don’t believe the question of gender should, in this context, exist as it is difficult for men and women equally to make a living off music. There is certainly a social acceptance factor in India when it comes to females engaging in music ,but trust me we will still have people shunning males for the same reason, simply because our society does not accept music (or any form of art) as a viable career option.
Eight Octaves: What do you do alongside music? How do you manage the balance?
Archy: I manage an online trade firm and yes there are extremely busy times but I try my best to practice every day after my working hours and also jam regularly on weekends. So far so good.
Eight Octaves: Who is your biggest inspiration? Any women you look up to?
Archy: Every woman that could beat the odds and hustle their way out to come out on top is my inspiration. I’m inspired by artists and some normal people that I meet in everyday life too.
Eight Octaves: What would be an ideal world to you?
Archy: Where you could earn lot of money from music.

Eight Octaves: Describe yourself in 5 lines:
Archy: Ambitious, fearless, empathic, street smart, dedicated.
Eight Octaves: What clothes do you ideally wear?
Archy: I love experimenting with clothes, I love carrying-off different styles each day. You may find me looking completely different on different days. What I wear depends on how I feel that day. And yeah, I have a shoe fetish. Big time!
Eight Octaves: Are you the same person you are on stage or do you have two separate identities? Archy: I am the same person that I’m on Stage (when I’m performing well, haha). I do have two sides to me. One is very aggressive & impulsive and fearless and the other is sensitive, girly and thoughtful but both of these ARE my characteristics. And both of them are brought out through my performance and the songs I write.
Eight Octaves: Are you committed, married or single? Who is your biggest fan?
Archy: I’m out right Single and extremely happy about it. I think my guitarist Abhinav is my biggest fan, at least he says so (laughs).
Eight Octaves: Any spot you go to to make music?
Archy: No, not a spot. I need a state of mind to make music. Not spot. If I am in that state of mind a lot of music making happens in a short while.