Famous among Bangaloreans as singer and host alike, Riccha Paul is one of the pioneers in giving us hope that alternative music can be a credible career for women in India. On the radio or singing the night away at a lounge, she has a voice that you cannot forget. And, as it seems, she has a personality to match.
You are called: Riccha Paul
You play with: Retronome, Rave iBand and solo
Your role: Vocals
Eight Octaves: What was it like growing up as a girl interested in music?
Riccha: Music was always just something my family was into. Like eating, almost. No one ever took it seriously.
Eight Octaves: Was your family supportive?
Riccha: Absolutely. They weren’t quite sure what to make of it though, since no one had ever taken it up professionally.
Eight Octaves: Is music a full-time career for you?
Riccha: Yes and no. It’s my first career. I also write, MC and own an on-demand bakery.
Eight Octaves: Do you feel it is a viable career for a women in our country?
Riccha: It definitely is. There is enough and more work coming up for everyone and it can definitely pay the bills as well as for those shoes that aren’t on sale! J
Eight Octaves: Who is your biggest inspiration? Any women you look upto.
Riccha: Has to be the women in my family. I am what I am today because of them.
Eight Octaves: What would be an ideal world to you?
Riccha: Cheap airline tickets, no visa requirements and fat free natural sugar and butter.

Eight Octaves: What is your take on Women in the music industry in India?
Riccha: It’s great to see so many different female singers making it; especially the ones with different voices. Pop culture doesn’t really exist in the Indian music scene, but I can definitely see a change happening there and that’s very encouraging!
Eight Octaves: Describe yourself in 5 lines.
Riccha: I’m a happy person. I tend to ramble on; on and off the microphone. I love travelling, I have spastic moments and I find it very hard to say no to dessert.
Eight Octaves: What clothes do you ideally wear?
Riccha: I love my pyjamas!
Eight Octaves: Are you the same person you are on stage or do you have two separate identities?
Riccha: Pretty much. Although, I think I’m in my element when I’m on stage.
Eight Octaves: Any spot you go to to make music?
Riccha: It usually just comes to you when you need it to. But for the sake of an aesthetically pleasing visual and a disguised holiday, I wouldn’t mind a white sandy beach.